Guidance Notes

Helpful tools and guides for Declaration Signatories and others with an interest in getting involved

Declaration in full

The Glasgow Declaration for Fair Water Footprints for Climate-Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Development.

Declaración en español

Declaración de Glasgow sobre la huella hídrica justa para un desarrollo sostenible, resiliente al cambio climático e inclusivo

Déclaration en français

Déclaration de Glasgow appelant à des empreintes hydriques équitables pour un développement durable inclusif et résilient au changement climatique

Glasgow Declaration Advisory Board

An Advisory Board comprised of Signatory representatives provides strategic guidance and advice to a Programme Management Unit (PMU) on all issues. This includes laying out the strategic needs for supporting existing Signatories and discussing engagement with potential new Signatories, as well as reviewing and approving workplans, priorities and budgets for the year ahead.

Technical Advisory Group

A Technical Advisory Group (TAG) delivers guidance on a range of technical issues concerning the delivery of the Declaration’s commitments. Comprising of Signatories and external experts, the TAG provides the credible advice needed to fulfil requirements for transparency, accountability, inclusion, integrity and efficient delivery.


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